Monday, October 14, 2013

Hello all!
I know I have been MIA but I'm back!

So, the first week consisted of a lot of in-processing, welcome briefs, and COFFEE! The day usually begins at 0545 with PT consisting of PRT drills and cardio. Since this week was in-processing the turn around was rather quick, just enough time (~50 mins) to shower and literally grab a bite to eat on the way to the next scheduled event. We were reassured that the weeks to follow would not be so rushed.
In-Processing Day 1 of 101

Getting ready for PT

Cleaning Roster 

Before the Sex Signals briefing
There are a wealth of class positions ranging from Class Leader to Mail Officer, I am currently the S4. Also, for those of you worried about taking a PT test as soon as you arrive...worry no more! It was previously like that but the cadre wants everyone to acclimated to the weather, so the PT test is the third week of the course. Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. You must be staying busy since the last blog, which is a good thing.
