Monday, October 28, 2013

The Ball is Rollinggggg!!

Hello All!
It's been 2 weeks since my last post & I do apologize, but we have been busy!

So, a quick recap of the past two weeks:

October 15-18 we conducting more initial counseling and finished with the last of the welcome briefs! We were also introduced to some of the Army systems used for accountability and reporting such as eMilpo and TOPMIS II. To conclude the week we had our first exam over Report Personnel Accountability.

* For those of you attending AG BOLC in the near future FM 1-0 and ctrl+F will be your BEST friend.

Also, during the first week we conducted our first ruck march...3 miles, not difficult, if you are wearing the right boots!

October 21-26 
This week was our first full week, and it was definitely full of back to back classes and exams! 
Testable blocks of instruction included Unit Personnel Strength Data, Maintain Unit Personnel Readiness (Stay up on your PHA/DHA!), and Personnel Information Data. No one has failed a test, yet! 

The PT test was Wednesday and everyone did well despite people's fear of being graded by Drill Sergeants! The PT test resembled the one at LDAC, a mass of people! 

We were also given the opportunity to attend an Icebreaker with the CPT's in the Captain's Career Course and I found a mentor! 

Friday we conducted our second ruck march, 6 miles! We also had our first uniform inspection.
Helpful note: read the regulation on which awards you are and are not allowed to wear! 

 Despite having little time to myself, I am having a blast! So, until next time!!


  1. awwwww I'm proud of you Shanese!! :)

  2. Hello LT Snell! I'm so glad I found your blog because I will be going to AG BOLC in July! I know you went a year ago, and hopefully you'll still be able to see my comment. But is there anyway that you could tell me what your experiences have been like since then? I have my own blog and it's for getting advice from other military women and your insight would be perfect for it. If you have any spare time it's at:

    I'd really appreciate it!
